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The US is pretty much synonymous with abundance, as shown most prominently by the wide variety of candy and snacks found in our supermarket aisles. The never-ending parade of classics alongside innovative flavors showcases America’s dominance in the world of snacks. However, many snacks that have been our favorites in past decades – from General Mills’ Frosty O’s to the beloved Dum Dums of Akron – have slowly been replaced by new ones. These iconic treats, some of which may have slipped your memory, show the enduring legacy and innovation within America’s snack food industry.
#1: Sugar Smacks Cereal
In 1953, Kellogg’s launched Sugar Smacks, a sweet cereal that quickly became a breakfast staple, partly thanks to Superman actor George Reeves’ endorsement. Fast forward to today, and while it’s still around under the name Honey Smacks, its formula and market presence have evolved. The shift reflects a growing awareness towards healthier breakfast options, yet it remains a nostalgic favorite for many.

Today, Honey Smacks remains on grocery store shelves for about $3.60 despite declining popularity. This could be attributed to the vast array of sugary and health-conscious breakfast options. Nonetheless, its survival in a competitive market speaks to the lasting impact of its early days and the lingering affection for childhood favorites.