#22: Very Historically Accurate
Steven Spielberg directed Schindler’s List with the intention of educating moviegoers about the atrocities of the Holocaust. The film is a tough watch, but a modern-day classic. Due to the nature of the film, there were many scenes that involved large groups of people. How did the costume department for the film outfit so many extras in historically accurate costumes?

Well, much of the clothing worn by the extras are actually from the 1930s and 40s. What’s even more chilling is that Schindler’s List was filmed on-site in Kraków, Poland. The costume designer for the film took out an ad asking for clothing to outfit the 20,000 extras. Many Polish people were willing to sell their clothing from the time period, so many of the outfits you see in the background actually lived through the scenes of World War II that they were filming.