#28: Cheat Day
A “cheat day” while on a diet is something that some people are ashamed of and like to keep secret, but others claim is important for the success of the diet. Let this story be a lesson to all that having a cheat day can actually be the best day of your life. Someone decided to break their diet and get a Chick-fil-A breakfast biscuit. It was the best biscuit they ever ate because they won huge sweepstakes along with their order!

By ordering that biscuit, they randomly won a brand new TV, four football game tickets, $250 worth of gift cards, and a brand new, expensive barbecue grill! Talk about a jackpot! Everyone is 99.9% sure that these fast food sweepstakes giveaways are a scam, but let this be a lesson that real people do, in fact, win. So go ahead, get that burger for lunch today and see what happens.